Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Period lasting over 2 weeks with lots of clots. What is going on? Plz help ASAP! I'm so scared!?

My period was late this month by a couple days and I just had this feeling that I was pregnant. IDK how to describe it but, I was sure I was pregnant. I was just waiting a couple more days to test. Then what I thought was my period came. I didn't have the usualy cramps or anything like normal when I have my period. I just started bleeding and at first there was a little tissue and clotting(I usually clot a little bit with my period). And I just assumed it was my period but, part of me thought maybe it was a miscarriage. Anyways, I waited to see what happened and my period has been going on for 2 weeks or more and I've had a little more clotting than usual. Today I went to pee(Sorry this is TMI) and pulled out the tampon I had been using and noticed very little blood so, I thought it was almost over. Then I took a bath and when I stood up in the tub a huge clot came out(about 3 inches in diameter). It really scared me. What is going on with my body? Am I having a miscarriage or what?
This is breakthrough bleeding which can act a lot like a menstrual period and an infection such as a cervical infection can cause this breakthrough bleeding to occur. I would recommend getting in touch with your dr to see what they think about this.
Sounds like it could be a miscarriage. Why don't you go see a doctor? You seem to be healthy otherwise. Many women experience early miscarriages, but you should still get checked out.
yes, I think you are having a miscarrage. But what are you doing asking about it on ByeDr.com?? No offense, but go to a woman's doctor!!
I would go to your DOCTOR asap. You have probably had a miscarriage or something else more sinister could be going on.
It could very well be a miscarriage and since you did not do a test there may be no easy way to know. I think the best advice I could give is to see a doctor (a gynecologist) as soon as possible. He will know what to do to find out if it was a miscarriage.

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