Saturday, October 31, 2009

Period help.. girls please??

ok so how many tampons should i bring to school.?

i use super and they after like an hour they leak everywere why??
Tell the teachers,don't worry.
you probably have a heavy flow or you're not sticking it up far enough.. i'd recommend wearing a tampon and a pad.
You seriously need to go and see the doctor. That is not normal for someone in school. In the meantime wear a pad with the tampons.
1. if your period is that heavy, maybe you should get on birth control. the hormone in that can help with the flow.
2. if they dont last long why don't you bring two and wear a (thin) pad also, so you dont leak?
Just put a light pad under your tampon so it won't get onto your underwear.
depends on the day..
First day 4 and use also a pad to avoid the leak

Second and third day 3

Last days 2
The beginning of a period is always heavier than the last days. Use super and make sure you get in high up so it doesn't leak. Use panty shield along with it on your first few days - then you can switch to regular or thin.
Question 1. I would keep about 3 in my backpack. I would change mine right before or after lunch if I'm bleeding normally. One for an extra, one if I lend it out. I always make sure I have 3.

Question 2. Maybe it is actually too small? Try a different size.

Have a great weekend
Ummm i'd bring alot like 6 and wear a pad or panty liner with it just to make sure
You should take 3 to school since you must change them every 4 hours.
Now, if they do leak then try another kind of tampons, you're probably not adapting well to the brand or maybe you need a little more, try reading the box, there it indicates the flow and then you can adapt it to your body!
yep the tampon gets most of it but not all of it. I would wear a pad just to make sure it doesn't get on your clothes. You should bring like 3 tampons to school with you so you can change them out during pe your passiong or lunch if needed
maybe your period is very heavy
and tampons are not for you!!

or you dont use the right brand for you!!
I would bring around 3 to school.if your bleeding that heavily tell an adult and see a gyno dr.But until then just keep changing them everytime you use the bathroom.
The same thing happens to me! We're just really unlucky and have heavy flows...also, I tend to have clots (gross i know) But they push even more blood out because they block it and then suddenly release, which is why we can soak supers in like an hour. What I do, is I buy the tampax compacts, and I bring one tampon for every two hours Im going to be away from home, just in case. A good idea to do is wear panty liners or even a pad on the heaviest days, so when you leak, its onto something that can handle it. That got me through high school and my first year of college! Good luck, and I promise, it gets better.
as many as you is pretty common to have a very heavy period when you are young. if you are already using a super all you can really do is keep changing as often as needed (do you use a pantyliner with a tampon? if not try it to avoid accidents) also, you can talk to your doctor to help you choose some birth control pills that could help your with a heavy period!
Keep a small box in your locker for emergency. Bring enough with you to change every hour as needed, and wear a mini pad along with it. (Don't wear white pants!!!)
See a doctor immediately. This does not sound normal at all. He might put you on a pill to lower the volume.
Some girls have stronger periods more often. Try and change more often. You also might want to give sanitary napkins a try. I haven't gotten my period yet, but I know a lot about them.
If youre flowing that heavy maybe you should talk to your doctor (if you havn't already) to see what can be done.

I used to be like that and they put me on the pill and it got lighter.

Period HELP!?

Ok..I have had my period for 1 year. But I have NEVER had cramps or ANYTHING to tell me when I should start it just happens. So today I have to go swimming in an hour. I am scared I am going to start in the pool! So what are some signs I should look for! THANKS!! But not cramps I never get those.
Don't worry about it starting in the pool. You don't gush so it's not going to turn into a scene from Jaws.

As for cramps, don't worry. Consider yourself LUCKY you don't get them. I've had my period for 12 years (I'm 26) and I don't always have cramps or other signs of an impending period.

Your best bet is to keep track of your period, how long in days it is (i.e. 2, 3, or 4+ days), how many days between periods, etc. With an accurate chart, you can pinpoint almost to the exact day when you're going to start.

Example: My period lasts around 3 days. On average, I get it around every 32-34 days. I make sure to keep track of my moods, my level of fatigue, my cravings for munchies, etc. It helps and I'm rarely off (sometimes stress throws me off by 1-3 days).

You'll be fine. Just check regularly and make sure you have enough pads and/or tampons.
are you sure you dont feel any pain? i think you might want to also go to the doctor. but do your breast feel sore an do you feel bloated. that might help.
sometimes you get like a dragging feeling in your thighs,or feel a bit moody.but other than that its hard to say.if you are concerned take some pads or tampons with you,if you start you start.nothing you can do about sweetie.however sometimes the water will hold the bleeding in.never noticed when you're in the bath that blood doesn't come out?
I once got my period during nationals (swim meets). Water does keep it in.
Just use a tampon before you go. if you dont start, oh well. if you do, lucky you!
Women usually get their period at the beginning of a month so keep a calendar to keep track of your period . Good luck!

check mark your calender
every 28 days
this might help
Before your period comes.
Do you flow out some whitish stuff before your period? If you do, it means your period is gonna come, soon.
Do you feel you nipples hurt while you press it? If it does, it means that you period is near also.
These are the signs.

Period help!?

today is thursday and today in the morning i got my period and on saturday i am going to a water park. is there anyway i can reduce the time length of my period? if not, what can i do while going swimming?
It has already been suggested that you use a tampon. If you have not used one before, start practicing now so that you will be comfortable by the time of your trip.
nope you can't.
but thats what tampons are for..
when you go swimming.
if you haven't used one yet..i suggest
you do. there really great.
Tampon. Make sure you keep the string in your suit...
Sorry, you can't reduce the length of time you have your period. Just use a tampon or don't go swimming.
Tampax have some very good products why don't you check them out. It also helps if you change the tampon frequently well you are at the park.
try tampons!! they are really great after you learn how to use them!! the first time might be kinda scary or will take a while to get used 2 inserting them!! but if u get the right absorbency and all everything should be great!! try tampax pearl juniors u can get a whole box of them at CVS or walmart!! they are great for beginners and they have instructions inside!! trust me they are better than pads!
Well since it started about 6 days ago, then it should be almost over, so just put a regular tampon in.
I suggest tampons and wearing a not so revealing bathing suit, also cut off SOME of the string so that it does not fall out of your bathing suit and your life is ruined.
You can't reduce it but you can use a tampon or cancel your trip till next weekend.
I don't know how to magically make a period shorter, but I do know for future reference that taking birth control shortens them and also makes them lighter. But I always went swimming when I was on my period and no one ever even knew; I just wore a tampon. If you never wore one before I suggest Tampax Pearl Light it comes in a yellow box.
wear a tampon..also stressing may make your period longer or it may make it shorter
no. you can try drinking caffiene to bleed more, so you have an even heavier period the first days but really nothing can make it stop. just use a tampon, but you can use the one especially made for teenagers that are smaller instead of the regular adult size.
use a tampon
wear a tampon, they help, just don't wear a pad, they slip out. and your period is going to happen, jus try different things to help it be more comfy.
wear a tampon...but that might hurt a bit if u either
1)are still a virgin
2)u have never used 1 b4 =/
where a tampon
No, you can not reduce it. Just use a tampon and try Mydol for bloating and stay away from salty foods that my cause more bloating. Go and have fun and don't worry!
just use a tampon before you get in.
u can wear a tampon.
Wear a tampon. No one will know
You'll have to use a tampon. There's no way to shorten your period.
I wish there was a way to make your period shorter, along with every other girl in the universe. Since I have never met a girl who enjoyed having their period.

May I suggest TAMPONS, don't worry about TSS because as long as you do not fall asleep with it in and leave it in for like 12 hours you'll be fine.

Also just watch and make sure the string stays in the bottom of your bathing suit.

Tampons are better, they are less messy and you feel cleaner even though you have your period.
well actually ur per at least..they last for 3 days..and since ur just bearly started the best tink u could do ..use a tampon...but u have to change it for a new one after3 hrs. at least.. but dont worry u could be safe if u r inside the pool..but u got to be carfully because sometimes it doesnt i recomend u to use a tampon..good luck!
Well i recommend tampons even though im to scared to wear them. Tampons r really good for swimming. But i was just like u i was in orlando and was traveling to miami and i will got to the beach. so i had it and they couldnt cancel it so my aunt told me is it heavy i told her not really so she just said go in the water and i really did. nothing came out becuz water clogs it but if u want to be on the safe side either wear a tampon or dont go. If ur period is not heavy than go in the water if its heavy good luck and try... GOOD LUCK!!!
The only thing you can do is use tampons. And change them when you are supposed to. Dont want to get Toxic Shock from leaving a tampon in too long.
you can't change anything now but where a tampon. For the next time, the doctors don't really advise this, but you can do it sometimes. The last week of your pill pack(if they change colors) skip and start th enew pack instead. The last week is usually the inactive week of the pills so if you start the new active pills it will deter you from starting.
wear a tampon
get a tampon
When I have my period I take lots of midol or other menstrual pain relievers, I also take long baths. Also sucking on lemons helps cut blood flow.
well i mean you can use a tampon gentle glide is the best i think and the but if you are doings this again get on birth control this will make your period shorter but alot heaver and you will gain 5 pounds...

Period Help!!?

I've just started my period and I've never had cramps before. I'm sure it's becasue I had been on birth control. But since my husband and I are trying for a baby I'm off and I am having the worst cramping. I'm wondering what works for others cause man I need some help with these things they are horrible! ha
I feel for you. :( I too get very bad cramps. There's a few things you can do to alleviate the problem.

There's special painkillers available in shops targetted towards period pain. There are also heat pads, which stick on your tummy and gently provide a soothing warmth. They arn't fantastic, but it helps. A hot water bottle held there does the same thing. You should probably check with your GP about taking painkillers for menstrual cramps as he/she may be able to prescribe you something suitable.

Try to avoid caffeine as much as possible. I've heard this can affect cramps, and I've definitely noticed myself a reduction in pain levels when I've been avoiding things like coffee, cola, and other caffeinated beverages (lucozade, something I usually drink a lot of).

Light exercise can also help. Cramps are always worse when you've been sitting immobile for extended periods of time.

Hope these tips help you cope! :)
Try Ibuprofen (800mg) and a hot water bottle.
ummmm, sorry, thats hard, hope you feel better! cheers
Like what the other person said, try a hot water bottle.. it will help your cramp out, and if you would like some painkillers.. im not big on pills really:P.
Seriously it will calm down soon but just get a warm water bottle, that will hopefully help you out.
I always had Severe cramping while on mine, and what i take is 2 motrin twice a day.
give it a try ;)
Yeah it takes a little while for your body to readjust after being on birth control (if you mean the pill).

I suggest hot water bottles, having a bath, taking specialised pain killers especially for lady cramps (feminax), and cammomile tea.. doesn't help particularly with cramps, but it helps soothe PMS and makes you feel very serene.

Personally I just think to myself 'cramps, you are not going to kill me, this is a natural and harmless monthly process, so I'm going to completely ignore you, bugger off'.

If the bad cramping happens next time you menstruate, go with your instincts and take a trip to the doctor, just to be safe.

Take care, hope you feel better, and good luck with the baby business
maybe your diet has changed or you need to be more active..
try tramadol 50mg but not long
Cramps AFTER taking B.C are way more intense! Dont panic. If I were you I would take 2 ADVIL with 1 tyelenol every 4 hours not exceeding 4 doses in a day. . Heating pad or hot water bottle on your ovarian area etc. No hot baths. Oh, And I heard that medication for muscle issues, with anti inflamitort properties were helpful, like over the counter, sore back medication, since it has pain relief AND properties to reduce swelling and inflamation. The BEST thing you can do though is call the pharmacy re: methods.
take some motrin and a use a hot water bottle. That is what I do. I get some bad cramps too.

Period Help! [girls only]?

My dad is having a cookout tomorrow! And im going to be on my period! The bad thing is..They will be swimming ALL day! and I cant use a tampon because I left them at home. And I am visiting my dad! I mean..I cant just say DAD GO BUY ME TAMPONS! lol So if im not swimming they will be asking me the whole time..WHY ARENT YOU SWIMMING? So what can I tell them?
Ask your dad to take you to the store, ostensibly for something like pony tails, a brush, nylons, skin care stuff, sunscreen, earrings, anything you can think of. Only get tampons too! haha. If you don't have money, ask your dad if you can just borrow a ten or something and pay him back later. You'll have to be really quick so you can tell him he can just wait in the car :)
And ask the clerk to double bag it! Although even if your dad does see what it is through the bag, he will probably be way too embarrassed to ask you about it!
u will jsut have to go and get them youself..say u are gonna get someting else.
Yes, actually you could ask your dad to go get you tampons...or take you to the store and give you some money so you can go in and buy them. 10 to 1 he's made emergency runs for your mom at some point in their marriage (when they were). Trust's not the most embarrassing thing in the world.
I think you should be able to talk to your Dad about this. Ask him if he could please take you to go buy some.
Have your dad drop you off at the store. Run in and buy it. Or call up a best girlfriend to see if they could bring one for you. Have fun! =)
He's your dad! he knows what girls go through. You wont have to go into detail with him about it lol just say dad I need you to run me to the store for some tampons. he's a grown man he wont ask what for he already knows lol
I bet if you say something like "Dad I need to go to the store and get a box of girl stuff," he'll probably not even want to talk about it, and give you money. He may ask if you're having a problem, and you can say no.
If he is your dad, he should understand!
Mine did!
Dads may be uncomfortable with this kind of stuff. But trust me, he will understand. Just ask him to take you to the store to buy some "feminine products." He may blush, but you are his daughter, he'll be ok. Then he can give you enough money to buy a supply, so you won't have to ask next time. :)

Period help (for girls only!)?

I get my period every 21 days and on the first day my period was really heavy and i woke up serveal times in the middle of the night and the WHOLE entire bed was red even my clothes (I changed my pads)is this normal?
When I was younger, my period was VERY heavy as well, and I'd bleed heavily during the night as well, ruining sheets and PJs... Overnight pads PLUS a heavy absorbency tampon will help.

You might want to check with your doctor if you're experiencing EXTREMELY heavy bleeding.
I don't believe you...there's no way your whole entire bed can be red
that heavy isnt normal, i would reccomend [if you have health insurance] go to the doctor and get put on birth control, that will lighten it up and shorten the length.
get to the doctor girl! good luck
This is normal. You need to switch to a nighttime pad that absorbs more. Go to the store and get some nighttime pads and keep them on hand.
the period is different from one to another. it is ok .
no. generally a pad should keep you and your bed clean. You need to contact your Dr. and tell him about it.
Youre normal girl.
if it really hurts, go see your GP about specific pain meds for periods.
otherwise, you could try tampons if you are uncomfortable with pads.

Period has been going on for 8 days now?

I have had my period for 8 days now, which is very unusual for me. It was heavy for 6 days and now its off and on, almost like spotting, but now I have pretty bad cramps and a backache? I can't figure out whats going on? It also came almost 2 weeks early this month. Any ideas??
usually if its heavy, it means you're more stressed. I had mine for 22 days came a week early, and its never happened before.. It could be fibroids (how old are you?) orpolycystic ovary syndrome..which are all related to unusual or heavy period. You should go to a doctor to ge checked for any of those. If its not anyhting serious try raspberry leaf tea or soy milk(health stores)to help regulate your periods. beets help as well.
First I would check with my Dr. If it is age related it's not unusual.
Stop looking here ASAP!! You will not get the answers you need here, okay? This is a serious thing regardless of your age.


If you don't normally go for 8 days then it's not normal. End of story. It could be something minor and chances are that it is but it could be something major. Or it could be something minor that if you don't seek medical attention ASAP it could become something major.

Stop trying to guess what it is and stop asking strangers here to guess for you. You will not know until you see your gynecologist and have a thorough exam.

OKAY? Please? For your health and future, see a doctor.
Usually your period will change its cycle at least once a year. If your period goes on longer or spotting continues, see a doctor soon.

Period cramps?

everyone once in a while i will get horrible cramps. i feel like my muscles are being scraped, it will hurt too much to stand and sometimes i throw up. it is extrememly painful. they usually happen after i take a shower. anyone know whats up
It could be cramps or something else. I used to get very bad cramps throughout the month when my cycle wasn't on ( treated). I heard of people vomiting during there monthly cycle. However, I recommend you see a GYN to rule out any disorders. Not to alarm you, but it could be endometriosis...or just the way your body prepares for your cycle.
Try using a heating pad, a warm bath.if they r severe you should be asking your dr.

Period cramps?

Alot of times I get cramps about a week before I actually get my period, why would that be? Please answer!
it could be a "warning" that you are going to have your period soon. during period take some midol, advil, tylenol or something like that
That is NORMAL!!
That's normal. Just take some advil or midol and all should be fine again.

Period cramps!?

al of those except lying down will help ese the cramps. being active acually helps to calm period cramps
Yes a hot bath will help also a heating pad. Instead of Ibuprofen i use Aleve for my cramps...I find it helps a lot better.
I love hot baths! Sometimes I end up lying in the bathtub 3 times a day when I have cramps! Or...try Midol.
use a heating pad over your abdomen...and for future reference, try taking ibuprofen before you get your cramps, this has always helped me...
she is right u should listen to your mom also a old saying keep feet warm

Period cramps help!?

my period is about 3 days long and the cramps are HORRIBLE. what can i do to make them stop. i excersise regularily and i usualy take a couple ibuprofen but nothing seems to be working. is there anything you reccomend
I had to get pills that help cramps...(Naproxin)...maybe ask a doctor about that! =D I hope you feel better! Advil works sometimes...also, prop your legs up above your heart so the blood flow is less around your "area"
ciao for now,
tara =D
P.S. i also take a pill called EstroStep. It's a birth control, but it helps with nausea and cramps and everything...ask a doctor...
maybe a hot compress (like a hot water bottle) and lay there on the couch and watch tv to get your mind off of it. i always get bad cramps. if you get this all the time you might want to talk to the dr to make sure everything is ok.
the pill can help a lot with period cramps.
While taking a warm bath, put a hot water bottle over your stomach.

Yes, a plastic bottle filled with not-too-hot water.

You can even do this at the TV, as you are falling asleep, almost any where.

Go for walks during your period to loosen up tight muscles.

Drink plently of water to reduce muscle tightening during your time of the month. Atleast 8 tall glasses every single day.
i face the same problem too ...
i take an "advil" pill %26 i drink hot tea when i start to feel the pain, then i sit in bed all day long, without moving!
Just take the pill, and keep urself warm, i guess that's all that i can do about it!
An over the counter medicine is ibuprofin, if you are not allergic. Regular exercise and avoiding caffeine.
heat can also help.
Don't take ibuprofen...take Midol or Pamprin. In the meanwhile, you should make yourself some hot tea and have a heating pad on your stomach.
Women's Tylenol is my BEST friend around that time. Only thing that works for me. Supposedly, you're supposed to lay off caffeine and chocolate during your period and drink lots of water...sorry..when I have it...I NEED chocolate and caffeine! LOL Heating pad (or in my case, a large warm cat) on your lower belly works well, too.

Period cramps at end of period?

I am just at the end of my period and I have had some contraction type cramps which were quite painful, does anyone else get this and should I be worried? I don't normally get them at the end, more often in the first day or so.
Period cramps are usually caused by lack of minerals such as potassium or if they are severe, they tend to be genetic. So try eating foods with potassium, like bananas, more...I get the same thing occasionally an my doctor prescribed more works for me, so hope it helps x
i get them throughout mine... actually usually worse during than before.
all depends on your body
I would definitely recommend having the dr evaluate this to see what they think is going on.
no concern- I did too. I was having contractions like pregnancy, but they went away after the longest time. I haven't had that problem in a long while now, just maybe a couple times.

Period and the beach?

ok well i am currently on mi period and going to the beach tommorow. i love swimming in the ocean. i have never swum b4 in the ocean b4 with a tampon in, for it is only mi 4th period, but i am comfertable with using tampons. but i heard that sharks can smell the blood. is this true? i swim out really deep too, like up to 7 feet. also i only have REALLY bright suits, like hot pink and bright yellow, and i have heard that sharks are also attracted to those. Will this be a problem? the main prob is the fact of sharks smelling the blood from mi period- thank u sooooooo much!!!!

xoxo Michele
Don't worry about it. You'll be fine.
honey go swimming, you are probably safe.
Hey sweetie... i wouldn't worry about it. And if you are really worried... just don't go out very far.
wear a tampon and no blood will come out.
Are you swimming at a beach that has known sharks in the area? If not, I wouldn't worry about it. If you are truly worried, then just swim out too far where a shark would be. And yes, sharks can smell blood.
its might be possible, but don't let it stop you from swimming! shark attacks are VERY rare and you should just have fun and not be worried!
first of all, do u live on the east coast?... in jersey maybe?

Period and swimming??

i just started my first period about 5 months ago. and my cycle isnt exactly regular, so i dont always know when i am gonna get it. so im kind of worried now that its summer and im afriad that i might get my period again when im in a pool or swimming. i started using tampons and im gonna wear them swimming when i am on my period. so my question is that if i start my period again while im swimming or in the pool, is anyone gonna be able to tell or notice?
Usually when they start they are light . So nobody would notice . just keep tampons with you.
It also would be a good idea for you if you where to keep trak on when they always start . that way you would have a justabout date when they come
If you are wearing a tampon they will not be able to notice.
No one will notice or be able to tell if you start while your in the pool.
It should stop while you are in the water. Just like it does when you take a shower, or a bath.
while sometimes the water will temporarilly stop your period, if it comes heavy, yes, you will be able to tell! My suggestion to you would be to go to your local Family Planning agency, it's totally confidential, even from parents..and free to teens, and get some birth control! This will make it so you know exactly when you'll get your period (the last week of pills)...and usually your period comes a lot lighter while on the pill! also your safe from unplanned pregnancy :)
just make sure you wear a tampon and check it frequently. if you feel yourself getting cramps, it could be a sign that your period is coming, excuse your self and go to the bathroom and check. i have never had a problem in the pool, but sometimes it would get heavier after i was done swimming (i don't know why)
i suggest that u dont so swiiming when u no that u ahve ur period coming yea and use tamps with u all the time and panite liners when u r going out and u no its coming its ok if it not regular we r all different in our wway hope this helps u!
The blood flow usually stops when you're body is in water so don't worry about it!
more than likely they wont be able to tell it unless its like a wave but no. just try and remember on like what day that you had your first one and you body usually tells you by like crabbiness moodiness
don't wear white! but no, no one should be able to notice unless starts off heavy. and make bathroom checks frequently.
Not if you wear a tampon. You can't wear a pad, of course. If you wear nothing and you start, yes.they will be able to tell because you'll have blood running down your legs. The pool will have to be evacuated and they will have to put special chemicals in the water because blood is a bio-hazard material.

You don't want all that. Wear a tampon whether your period has started or not.
Just listen to your body, even if your periods are irregular, you should probably get some sign that you are going to start soon. If you know you are going to start, but havent, and are about to get in the pool, if it was me, id put in the absolute lowest absorbancy available, take it out AS SOON as you get out if no bleeding has started. Because its really not safe to wear a tampon if no blood is being absorbed, but for me personally, id rather be on the tiny risk side, than have a untimely accident in the pool.
I have the exact same problem!!!! I started in December and my solution is every time you get out of the pool for snacks , leave your sunscreen in the bathroom, say you are putting more sunscreen on and check your underwear
No. Not while you are in the water. But when you get out of the pool, you may possibly leave a water/blood trail. My kids were on swim teams for many years, and there was a girl who had started and left spots on the pool deck.

But don't worry about that happening, in all the years my kids have been swimming, they have never had an incident like that... and they swam year-around.
Surprisingly, the body reacts with water in some wierd way and stops letting out blood when it is imersed in water. While you're swimming, you won't bleed. So, no... nobody will notice. However, you should always carry a tampon or pad with you wherever you go. It won't happen in the water, but while you're tanning by the water it might. It is always good to be prepared. Good luck. And don't be worried - you'll be fine.
They will notice if you're acting suspicious. Beginnings of having the initial period is always awkward. I never used tampons because I always felt it prevents a complete flow. When you feel your period is coming.. prepare. Do what make you comfortable and safe.
No. Just try to be in tuned to your body and feel for when your period is coming on. Start charting when you get your period and how long it lasts. You should get your next one anywhere from 28-32 days from the start of your previous one. So if you got your period today, your next one could come anywhere between 28 and 32 days from now. Carry tampons with you in your gym bag and if you do start your period in the pool (unlikely) no, no one will notice. If you put a drop of milk in a large glass of water, it dissipates and you can't even tell it's there because the ratio of milk to water is great. It would be the same thing here. The ratio of blood to water would be great and no one would tell, but if you had a heavy flow you could risk having it run down your leg when you get out of the pool which could be embarassing.
contrary to another comment, a heavy bleeder can still bleed when they are in water. Or i defy gravity because i do unfortunately. if you have a cut on you that is bleeding and you put it in water, does the blood stop?

When people have a wound do people tend to roll up some cotton and press against the injury to prevent more blood getting out or do they throw them into the sea and say there that ought to save them losing blood.

Sorry not trying to be rude, but i was told you stop bleeding in the water, and found it isn't true.

Although if you do not bleed very heavily you probably might get away with it. Hopefully people aren't going around carefully inspecting your crotch area to look for blood stains. Get a blood camoflague bathing suit... like a black one.

The pool will be chlorinated i would imagine so there shouldn't be any hygeine issues.

Also perhaps look at a "moon cup". Though i find them tricky to insert and a little sore to pull out if you've got a hymen. But once again perhaps i am the only person in the world with this rare problem.

Good luck

Period and swimming?

allright i'm on a swim team and i have a meet comeing up soon and i need to go to all of the pratices but i cant use tampons i mean im to small for tampons, thay dont fit! i evan used the smallest size i could find(tampax lite) and thay dont fit!i've tryed!
so my real question is Can i swim with out a tampon?
You could but yeah it would drip down your legs. Just relax and maybe use some kind of lubricant like KY Jelly on the tip of the tampon. Hundreds of thousands of women do this, and you can too. Just like most new things, it takes some getting used to.
you can but once you get out of the water it will only drip down your leg -
try putting on one - relax your body so your not tense
or maybe dont swim
They do fit, you just don't know how to put it in. The vagina can stretch. Ask some one for help. If you don't wear one when you get out of the water blood will come out. I recomened that you don't.
you can buy tampax pearl lite at cvs pharmacy! thats the only place i can find them good luck :).. no u kinda hafta use a tampon 2 swim other wise u will leak!

Period and pool?

ok so im supposed to go to my friends pool tomorrow with a few people. then i got my period today. what should i do? i really want to go to the pool. ive never used a tampon before. i wouldnt mine using one but the fact is that i dont have any tampons in my house and i my mom doesnt live with me so what should i do?
Ask a friend if they have any :) If not ask whoever you live with to go to the store.
you disgusting girl
Either reschedule (your friends, if they're girls, will understand) or buy the tampons yourself.
Go to your nearest drug store and get some. They will have them. Put one on when you bring them home. Then make sure you change it the next day before going to the pool.
Buy tampons on the way to the pool
go into the restrooms at the pool and get one im sure they will have one for health porposes.they arent uncomfortable but they give me mild cramps.
you can ask some of your female friends if they have some tampon in their house.
Go buy some tampons... easy as that.. You definitely cant go swimming if you are wearing a pad.. so if you cant buy tampons then you might as well cancel.. what fun would it be to sit and watch everyone swim?
its fine, i remember the day we were suppose to go to boracay was the day i had my period, but what the heck i just enjoyed it! good luck to you!!!

If you cant get any tampons tells ur friend whats going on they will understand and just stick you feet in the pool you can still have fun that way. i do it all the time i wont wear tampons
Remember you are not Moses. You don't have the power to part the "red sea"!!
just make up a little white lie.
Once you get there and you're changing with your friends, say that you just got your period and you don't have a tampon with you.
And i also don't live with my mom (i don't want to talk to my dad about getting tampons, lol), so what i do is say that i'm buying makeup online. have your dad put $20 of your own money on his credit card, Then go to and buy a couple boxes of tampons along with it.
if you have an older sister ask her if she has a tampon or if she can take you to the store. If she cant just ask your dad (or someone else) to run you to the store and when you are there just have them drop you off out front and say no need to come in, that you'll just be a sec and if that doesn't work or u no they will say thats ok than say you have really bad blisters and have them drop you off out front and hurry in buy um put um in ur purse and be waiting for them at the front like you said u would. if you dont want to do that ask one of your friends to bring you one
I had the same problem yesterday. All my friends were going into a hot tub but I had to stay out. We have tamopns at my house but they're kind of too big. You and I are on the same boat. I've never used one either and my mom has been away for 2 weeks but is getting back tomorrow. I;m going to a party today too.

You could probably just take $10 to your local drugstore and buy some.
Hope that helped!

Period and altitude?

You know how if your at a baseball game and your all the way at the top and your nose starts to bleed? Well I was wondering if it could be like the same for your period. If your in a plane and your like due for your period will you get it in the air and will the flow be heavier?
airplanes are pressurized
Dee dee da dee

Period ???

when you are coming towards the end of your period shouldit be thicker and a darker red colour/brown?
It is different for every woman. "Most" women's flows follow a light-heavy-light pattern, but it can vary. Unless your period is accompanied by blinding pain, then there is probably nothing to be too concerned about. Don't hesitate to call your OB/GYN if you have concerns!
to be honest i think its different for everyone ! xx but yes thats probably normal !
that sounds pretty normal... nothing to worry about :)
no. every women's period is different. its usually a lighter flow and a brighter red towards the end of a period. but this doesn't go for all women. and that isn't bad.
everyone is different.
but i think thats most common!
dont worry you will live :]

Period - light to heavy?

I only started my period a few months ago, and I've always had it really light. Last time, though, I ended up fainting and throwing up and it was just generally really heavy/longer than before and annoying. I was told that means my periods are always going to be like that from then on, but I was under the impression that it would vary before it became regular. Is that true? I'll really be screwed if it will be like that all the time. Thanks.

Oh, yeah, why do toilets have to be flushed two times just to get stuff to go down when you're on your period? It's kind of embarrassing. I'm probably the only one...ha...ha.
your body is still adjusting to having a period, but i will still call my doctor. some people have to take birth control pills because their period are so bad and the pills kinda easies them up (meaning shorter, less cramps, and less bleeding) So i would ask my doctor just to be safe. you shouldn't be throwing up or fainting.

Perhaps not mental. I prespire dripping and have to dry off. It is hard to coool down?

I have always had like hot flash symptom. I have controlled hight blood pressure and i am a 77 old gal. skin taunt and moist, had good healthy periods and pregnancies. I eat spicy food and am Hispanic. I am energetic, if i sit on an air condition room and don't move around to much I am fine. help me to find out what causes this dripping sweat on face, neck and head!!
Spicy foods, coffee (caffeinated beverages), eating can all raise your body temperature %26 worrying about your sweating. Do you live in a hot climate?
Unless you try changing your diet, drugs (which would be hard on your system) internally or externally like botox would help, by blocking your reaction.
I would wear light cotton clothing, clothes that can breathe %26 not insulate.
Spicy food is probably contributing, but it's good for you! Take a piece of ice and hold it on the inside of your wrist. It'd amazing how quickly this will cool your whole system down.

Perfect Curves...Please Help?!?!?

I am a very flat-chested 15 yr old (but im definitely done growing) and I've been looking for a non-surgical way to increase my bust size. I found this product( and it looks promising...i mean they have a guarantee right? so it has to work somewhat or everyone would ship the product right back and they wouldnt make a thing? if anyone has tried it or any other product like it please let me know...thanks!
If you're only 15 then you're not done growing. All throughout high school my body still changed and I wasn't a late bloomer. You're not done growing until at least your late teens.

I would recommend eating healthy, and exercising. Do pilates - they're great for shaping your curves.
well it says on the site that it's a "permanent" breast enhansment solution. But what I don't get w/ the product is why allow you to order more than one?? Do you have to use it for the rest of your life?
Honestly i wouldn't try anything i found off the interest. especially involving stuff i put into my body.. who knows what it may do to you body. And just because it has a money back guarantee doesn't mean first it will work and second that you will get your money back.

You are still young, and being 15 doesn't mean you will stop growing in that department. Boobs always change from things like weight gain/loss, the pill and pregnancy. If you are really skinny then perhaps try putting on a little weight. Not fat but muscle. Do some exercises (chest exercises etc)..

Also learn to love your body exactly the way it is. I know that i cant tell a 15 year old that but if you love yourself the way that you are, then others will love you to
how do you know you're done growing, little miss psychic?! I didn't even start developing til I was 15 and now I got D cups! enjoy it while you can cos boobs aint nothing but trouble; backache and ill fitting clothes!! any product like the one you're suggesting is a total scam so don't fall for it and waste your money. try padded/gel filled bras if you want a quick fix.

Percocious Puberty?

I've had percocious (sp?) puberty since I was 7, I started getting shots to make sure I didn't have my period yet when I was 8. I've stopped my shots when I was 10. I'm now 12 almost thirteen. Should I have started my period yet? I mean, it's been like two years since I stopped.
yes. tell your mom about your concern. Ask her if you should see the doc. I dont know if you've heard of this already but stress will also effect when a period starts every month too. Good luck sweety.
Wait a little longer and ask your Dr. and see what she/he says. God wil give you your period just give it some time
Hope this helps!

Percent body fat for menstruation?

do you have to have a certain percentage to continue menstruating? for example i'm 17 and i have been having periods for 5 years, but lost weight (over time) to where i'd only have 12% would i continue menstruating? or is there a certain percentage you have to be?
i dnt fink so baby, bt if ur worried go see ur doctor

People think I am a little big. It is embrassing to me. I don't think I am. What should I do about this?

Absolutely nothing... I like women a little larger and so do a lot of guys... Don't be embarassed.. You're a beautiful person...Ditch those who make you feel bad about yourself, there are plenty of people out there that will love you for who you are and not for what they want you to be
Don't listen to what other people say. If you like the way to are just be yourself and try not to turn out so skinny.
get a bit smaller
You mean like 6 foot 8 inches big? Or 42 D cup big?
its definatly not worth stressing about! im not exactly small myself, but its not worth hurting yourself over! The only person u need to please is yourself!
First, who is "people?" If it's friends, you need new ones, if it's relatives, you need to avoid them. And either way, whoever is doing it really needs to be told to stop. Most people are full of ****, please remember that. As long as you're happy with yourself, that golden aura will shine through.
Either forget about what other people think--it's your opinion that counts!! OR:

walk in the fresh air every day
quit or cut down on SODA
don't put mayonnaise on sandwiches
learn yoga and/or aerobics (or play sports, or swim)
don't eat fried foods
don't eat fast foods (except the salad or baked potato)
make fruits and veggies your best friends

Good luck, whatever you decide...:)
Be you! Don't worry what people think..if we all looked the same how boring would the world be?! I am so tired of every one acting like anything bigger than a 3 is fat. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, one day (if you haven't already) you will find someone that loves you for the meantime, maybe you can spend your time thinking up snappy comebacks to give to those that want to tear you down.
Same thing i tell my kids --- When someone says something negative about you, do the following 3 things:
1__Evaluate it and learn from any truth it may have (if there is any truth in it) . So you need to ask yourself "Am I too big? Will it make me healthier and an overall better person if I were to lose 10 pounds or whatever?"
2__Do something withe the truth you have learned from it
If the answer is 'yes, it would make my life more fruitful if i were 10 lbs thinner', then do something about it.
3__Move on in life.

Now, if there is no truth in the statement, and people just want to be hurtful (as many people do), consider yourself lucky and blessed that you are not like them. Simply ignore them. Ignore their statements and ignore their looks. Remember that in life people ONLY have as much power as YOU give them over you. So, should you confront them? Well, be result-oriented! Meaning, if you think reasoning with tem or confronting them will help, then go ahead. My experience tells me that people who do these things just to be hurtful usually don't benefit from those encounters.. so you'd be wasting your breath -- just ignore them!

Best of luck to you!
Go to your doctor and/or a dietitian. Let them check your weight. They will be able to determine if you are over weight. Let them check you Body mass index. This will show the amount of muscle and fat you have and you will be able to determine if you have to much fat. You can also research it on the internet. Depending on your height, age, gender, and built you should be able to determine what is a good weight for you. It should be a certain range. You can do a search for a health calculator. This might help.
Do not let what other people think and say about you affect you in any negative ways. For the most part let it affect you positively. For instance do as if it were friendly advise to check your health and see if you are over weight. If it is that you are indeed a little big, then let thier comments help you buy encouraging you to get to you optimum size. DO NOT GET OBSESSED WITH LOOSING WEIGHT as it could land you up in the hospital. If you are only a little big, don't worry, you probably don't look bad and you just have a little work to do to loose a little weight. Also if you are a little overweight you have to try not to put on anymore weight. But do it the right way...don't starve yourself or anything like that.
A little more exersise and enough water and proper sleep should work for you.
You said you don't think you're too big so to hell with those that say anything. People who say this to you are not your friends. Continue to remain your beautiful self inside and out and don't listen to those that try to bring you down. Avoid them at all costs. Some people say these things out of jealousy or because they're so miserable that they want others to be miserable too.

People say i smell horrible but i don't smell anything. i have been to the doctors but they say its in my head

i have been to a psych but he says that he doesn't smell anything. i have been to my gyn as well as a the emergency room doctors at two different hospitals and they say that i don't smell. people on the train, and at my job say i smell like **** and like i am decaying. i don't know where this so called smell is coming from. although my panties are always moist. someone said it may be that my vagina is leaking urine. if that is the case, how can i stop it? the doctors won't even help me. contemplating suicide even though i have so much to live for.(a beautiful son and i am getting married in a few weeks.) if the doctors are saying its in my head and they don't smell me when others say that they smell me, what should i do? this is ruining my life. please help
wear pantie liners and forget what others say=get on with life and enjoy your child and new hubby to be=some people are not very nice is all
Put on some perfume.
Start eating garlic and then it won't just be in your head. Seriously, your question makes little sense. If people are telling you you stink, how can doctors and such tell you its in your head? Forget about it, its probably the shampoo your using or something.
Usually, the person w/ the odor won't smell their own odor. I know it's strange but I learned. I was at a camp for a week and I couldn't take a shower (how awful!!), and I came home, and my mom started saying that I needed to go to the shower PRONTO!! But, I couldn't smell anything. If people say you smell, then wear deoderent or something. You should actually put it on every morning...
dontunder any circumstances commit suicide. you have so much to live for.
it could be something that you are eating.
if you eat smelly foods, you will probably smell like them through perspiration. also use deoderant, perfume and just clean yourself frequently. maybe you are horny and your vagina is wet and emitting natural odors. maybe go to a gyneacologist.
just dont commit suicide that would be a stupid thing to do over something like bad odor.
use deodorant and powder
Have you ever had a surgery? This is gross and rare but I have heard these symptoms described, and it turned out the women involved had some type of surgery--like a c-section--and the surgeon left gauze inside them. The smell they described was like something was dying.
If you are freshly washing right before you go to the doctor then they may not be able to smell it or if you are using some other type of cleansing agents or freshness products. Kegals are supposed to help with urine leakage and until the problem is resolved try to wear pantyliners to avoid the extra moisture that could also be creating the smell. Please don't let unkind people get to you because they could just be really mean people that don't like you, let them worry about their own hateful, insensitive ways, don't take that on yourself. Have a wonderful wedding, enjoy spending time with your son, your fiance, and enjoy your life. Good Luck, I hope this helps.
Make a list of what foods you eat. Correlate that w/ when people tell you that you have an odor. Some foods, like garlic, fish, etc. emanate out of your pours and can cause a smell.

And wear panty liners. Change them frequently and see if that helps.

Good luck w/ this.
wash clothes better?

People say i look like a man. how do i ignore them without having a nervous breakdown?

i am contemplating suicide because everytime i step out of my house, people think i'm a man. it's true, i look like my dad but my features must be stronger than i thought because i hear the whispers and the rude comments all day long. "she's a man" "that's a man" "ugly *** man" they even direspect me in fron of my son. i feel sorry for my man and my son because they get teased all the time for being with me. it's easy for them to ignore the people because they aren't talking about them. ignoring isn't working anymore. i am ready to kick the living daylights out of somebody. is their a way to make my facial features less stronger than they are? my hair is very short and i don't wear makeup so i may be screwed in that department.please help
If you're happy with the way you look, don't change it. If you're up for a change, play around with makeup there are many tricks to making your lips look plumper, your cheeks more hallow, your eyes closer/further apart. Play with your hair too, let it grow, try different styles. Use clothes too, I find it fun to play "dress up" and throw an outfit together that I would normally not wear. Remember, God made you in His perfect image, He knew the colour of your eyes, hair, size of your nose, ears before you were born. And He proclaimed you beautiful and perfect.
Hmm I fell for your last question.
try wearing your hair in a girlish style =this will require you to grow it a bit=wear feminine earrings and girly tops too=we sometimes have to add a bit of sparkle to ourselves so people can identify us=sounds unreal, I know ,but it does help
Do you believe in GOD? Maybe you need to ask the other people if they do. I don't know you, but you should be happy with what you were given. Try to see a doctor, maybe you have too many male hormones in your body and can take meds for it. My sister had that problem.
Seems like you could use a makeover. Instead of committing suicide, why not let your hair grow and in the meantime get some hair extensions. Wear some makeup and change your clothing style to something more feminine. And keep in mind that as long as you're a good person, it doesn't matter what you look like. Ignore the fools who make remarks about you and don't harm your man and your son by hurting yourself or leaving them forever. Good luck.
You may want to go to a makeup counter and just try some light makeup. You know that you are all woman and a natural woman, work your assets. No matter what you look like, there is no substitute for a real woman and you have to work with what you have, don't do nothing drastic to yourself, because people in this world are insensitive and stupid. Good Luck.
Honey grow your hair out and put on a little lip stick. I know you are not ugly because God don't make ugly. Unfortunately there are ugly spirited people in the world like the ones that are mean to you. So put on a little make up and chin up. You need a good dose of liking yourself. Don't ever let suicide cross your mind. My dad committed suicide when I was almost twelve years old and it's a selfish thing to do to your love ones that are left behind. Did you watch Dancing With the Stars this spring? Well Laila Ali had muscular features because she was a boxer and she was proud of it. So Sweetie make the best of what God gave you and it will be enough I promise. I'll be praying for you.
Oh sweetheart, i really feel for you. People are so cruel, but look, it is not you who looks crap, it is them, as people who say cruel things to people they don't know are just s***.
Everyone has something they don't like. I have got facial hair. I have hair everywhere. I used to get guys laughing at me, so i decided to lazer it off. I feel better for it, that's for sure. My guess is that you don't know how to make the most of yourself. My advice is to treat yourself to a make-up lesson, perhaps grow your hair (be aware that in-between stage, where your hair is neither long nor short can be a real pain!) and dress in a way that suits your size and shape. In the UK there a 2 "style gurus" called trinny and susannah, and they have great tips for women of all shapes, sizes, ages and appearance (including those of us who may look less feminine) Here are two useful sites:
Don't be afraid to go to a salon and tell them what you are experiencing, and how you want them to help you. You will be surprised how much those ladies, who look all perfect in the salon, really want to help you look and feel your best. Remember i had to go to a salon to zap my facial hair- it was difficult to make that step to tell someone about my embarrassing problem. Now the salon owner is a good friend. Finally, don't ever, ever consider suicide. You have a husband and a child who love you unconditionally, just the way you are, and that is what really matters. Good luck, go for it girlfriend!

People say 8-12 is the age to wear a bra but i dont!?

im 12 years old (almost 13) and i really want to wear one, i am flat but i am the only one in my class without one! how can i drop hints to my mom?
ok i totaly no how u feel! thats how i was a few yrs back too! Alot of girls nowadays wear bra even when they don't need them. some reason y they do is so lik ein locker rooms they arent seen like completely bare up there, so they try to fit in, or just because they wanna. just make sure u really want to because if u dont have any boobs and u wear one ppl might be mean to about by saying stuff like y r u wearing one u dont need it, an din my mind thats wores then ppl saying that u hav eno boobs. i no that u wanna wear one cus ur the only one that doesn't but trust me u dont wanna rush it cus u have the rest of ur life to wear one. they aren't comfy or anything! but if u really want to try any of these;
1. just walk up to ur mom when ur in a store and ask if u can have a bra, or say u want one, or ask if for one and explain to her. (this is what i did and it worked)
2. when ur at a store just walk up to her with a bra and say u want it, or say what ever u feel like saying.
3. if she says no to any of the above just buy one urself and then when she find it in the laundry tell her u wanted one really bad, explain to her what u told me, and say u feel like u need one. she should understand.
4. if none of these work u can get shirts with buil din bras to make u feel a lil better. shirts liek camis u can wear under shirts too..
5. u dont have to go to ur mom with one of these fancy bras with padding and lace, but just try maybe a sports bra or a very plain one so she doesnt go in shock think oh my baby girl in growing up. but then slowly move ur way up to what ever type of bra u feel best in. u might like one with a little bit of padding so u dont feel as flat.
if u need any other advice u can email me at
hope i helped!
When you go shopping next time for clothes go into the lingerie aka underwear section and just casually say something long do you think before I can wear one of these and point at a bra.
Don't drop hints, just tell her you want to get a training bra.
Make sure it fits correctly. But I wouldn't be in such a hurry, you'll be wearing that thing for the rest of your life so enjoy the freedom for a little while longer.
i know what you're talking about! i am shy and don't talk to my mum about things like that. I'm 12 as well so i know how pressuring being at a school with peeople who wear bras can be.
1. straight up and tell her you want one
2. write her a letter and put in on her pillow
3. ask her to go shopping for underwear
4. when ur at the underwear area pick up a bra and say "mom can i have this?" if she says no just tell her why you want one and that you feel out of place.
im sure she'll understand.

I started wearing a bra when I was around 11, even though I was pretty flat chested at the time. My mom had made hints a couple times in the store when I was about 10, but I was embarrassed and told her I didn't want one. I wish I hadn't been embarrassed about it; there is really no reason to be. Maybe when the two of you are alone, just mention to her that you'd like to get one. I'm sure you'll need your mom for advice and someone to talk to about women things when you're older, so try not to worry about being embarrassed and just start to build a great woman-to-woman relationship now.
Hey! I felt the same way! Right now Im 15 but when I was younger I was always so super hyped to get a bra! I was pretty flat too.. But one day when we were in the store I took one up to my grandma and showed it too her, and she said 'do you think it's time?' and I was like 'yah' and so yah I got my first bra lol. Alot of younger girls really want to wear bras even if they dont need them! I know just how you feel and its fine! Just try that the next time your in a store and Im guessing it might just work! I bet when your older tho they might get kinda annoying and not seem so cool anymore! lol But i hoped this helped hon, take care and good luck! :)
go to a regular store that sells bras and pretend like your looking at something else and just ask her if you can get one, orr you could try on a white shirt and say its see-through so you should get a camisole to wear under it
ur stupid.
I'm not sure who says 8-12 is the age to start wearing a bra, probably some man intent on increasing profits and putting us in breast torture devices earlier, but anyway, just be honest if you need one, and tell your mom so, or want one, I guess.

Penis problems?

i have a freakishly large penis and i need to know if there is any form of penis reduction available...
That's a complaint, I swore I would never hear? lol
okkkkkkkk why is this in the women's section????
I don't believe there is such a procedure as penis reduction. However, most guys would kill to have your problem. Just how large is it?
This sounds like a question for your proctologist. Or at least ask the question in Men's Health. Are you sure this is a problem?
get knife, some anteseptic, ibuprofen, a large bandage and go to work.
Quit trying to pick up women in the women's health section. I have never head a man say his package was too big. I sense personal issues here.

Pelvic exercises??

I was told by my ob/gyn to help a condition I have (pelvic congestion syndrome) I need to do pelvic exercises. I have lost a lot of weight to help with the problem, but still my uterus is lower than it should be. I don't want to have surgery unless it is a last resort. I have been doing my keigels and pelvic tilt, but is there anything else?? Would walking and or jogging make it worse also?
Neither walking of jogging will make your condition worse. If you do the kegel and it does not help I think you should consult a physical therapist. Best of luck.

Pelvic bone...?

I've noticed ever since I was younger that my pelvic bone sticks out more than normal. It's bother me for a long time, and people just keep telling me it's normal, or that it's because I'm skinny. But I've seen all kinds of skinny girls and theirs doesn't stick out. Even my gyno said it's normal.but when I lay down I can see it sticking out. Everyone elses like slopes downward. Should I see someone else about it, or is it really normal...anyone else have this problem?
yep i do.. when i layout in the sun i try to kee pmy butt pushed down so it doesnt stick up


i pee in the shower do you think that is gross also i some times stand and pee and i am a female is this wrong i do have to push hard so i don't get pee on me it hurts sometimes after is the bad
Urinating in the shower is not the thing to do. Also standing up to urinate and having to push hard so you don't urinate on yourself is not a good idea as it could weaken your pelvic muscles over time.
Your pee is actually deadly corosive acid...
nah jk

sounds.actually sorry i dont know
Um. You're a chick. You have a vagina for a reason. WHy not just sit down to pee?
its not bad that you pee in the shower b/c your just gona clean your self right away.but the hurting is not normal, i would see a doc.
I pee in the shower, but I can't say that I stand up and pee. I wouldn't want to be spashed on. If you like doing it then by all means continue, but if it hurts afterwards I would take it easy. You wouldn't want to damage yourself by pushing too hard. Good luck! :)
well thats not good to pee in the shower.. go to the doctor or something idk
Umm why would you pee in the shower when there's usually a toilet not too far? as for peeing standing up, if i'm in public i'll usually 'squat' but not really standing over the toilet b/c it's cleaner. Other than that, doesn't seem to make too much sense. But hey, whatever floats your boat, lol :)
oh come on, why would it matter? thats just stupid

Peeing in public bathroom for women? sit down or hover?

Hover it's safer ,sitting can get you infections and disease after check the structure of the vagina it has open spaces ,which allows bacteria and stuff to get into the body easily
hover of course
HOVER. . .eww gross
No sitting down on any public rest rooms, that's just disgusting. You could catch almost anything even crabs.
I'll have to say hover most definitely.
HOVER ewww I don't like sitting on toilets unless it's MINE or MY friends!
I take a pile of toilet paper %26 give the seat a quick wipe, if it's too gross I'll go to another stall. I don't hover, don't think I have the balance for that, I'm 22 and haven't gotten sick or anything thus far.
I put some toilet paper on the seat and sit because i cant balance! It sound gross when you sit on it but i haven't gotten sick yet!
Hover. Can you imagine all the nasty butts that sit down on that toilet in a day. YUCK. I'm actually impressed and shocked by the results of your question so far. I thought I was a germ freak...apparently I'm not the only one! LOL.
i either hover or put toilet tissue on the seat.
I avoid them at all costs.
I use those toilet seat covers to put on the toilet seat before i sit down and go just feel safer and not get sick i use them allot

Peeing every hour?? Whats going on? Help please?

Im a 17 year old female. The past 3 days i've been feeling like i have to pee every single hour. It doesnt hurt when i pee or anything its just so frequent. I'm not drinking any more liquids than i normally would. My bladder will feel really full and then i'll pee and then minutes later it'll feel full again but i dont pee that much. It just always feels full and i'll have to pee! What is this? Should i get this checked out?
You're probably not pregnant. It sounds like a urinary tract infection. Just because it doesn't hurt, doesn't mean you don't have one. You need to go see a doctor and get a urine test done. You may need antibiotics. Drinking LOTS of water and cranberry juice will help you feel better faster.
Have you been drinking alot of fluids lately? Is there a possibility of pregnancy?
Go to a doc!! I think this might be a bladder infection or worse!
It may be a urinary tract infection. Try drinking cranberry juice for a couple of days. That usually clears it up. If the problem persists I would suggest seeing a doctor for antibiotics.

"Cranberry juice also has been shown to have positive effects on UTIs. DON'T use the kind of juice that says "Juice Cocktail" on the label. That has too much sugar and is not concentrated enough with cranberries. Make sure the cranberry juice is 100% juice, many brands are now 100% cranberry. Quality cranberry juice produces hippuric acid in the urine which acidifies the urine and prevents bacteria from sticking to the walls of the bladder. If pure cranberry juice is not available, cranberry capsules can be substituted. They can be found in most health food stores. Always take these with a large glass of water."

Pee in a cup at doctors?

my 15 year old sister want to on what happens at annual checkup. do they look at you naked. get a robe. check or touch privates. heard u have to stand and they make you pee into a cup. this is a checkup not gyno
If its just a physical (check-up) then chances are the doctor will listen to her heart and lung function, have her lay down on the table so that he/she can press on her stomach and listen to digestive sounds, press on her throat (check her thyroid), look at her ears, nose, throat, and eyes, check reflexes and may possibly feel along the limbs and spine to make sure there's not some malformation of the bone structures.

She may be asked to give a urine sample. This is done in a private restroom (she will be given specific instructions on how to gather the urine sample), and they may draw some blood (depending on why she's there in the first place).

She most likely will NOT be asked to undress, and if she is she would be given a gown and a nurse or her parent/guardian would be in the room with the doctor (especially if the doctor's male).
Nope, they just check your lungs, heart rate, etc.

A physical is when they do the papsmear and stuff like that, and you dont really have to have that until you have intercourse
A normal physical exam will probably require you to pee in a cup (depending on the type of checkup). Otherwise, you keep your clothes on and all tests are non-evasive (such as reflexes, listening to your lungs, looking at your eyes and ears, etc.)

At a yearly womanly exam (which she might have been describing and it does not always have to be performed by an OB/GYN) you have to pee in a cup, they do a breast exam to check for lumps, and they also do a pap smear at the very least. The pap smear DOES require you to at least derobe your lower part of your body (pants and underwear) but some doctors ask that you take all of your clothing off and wear a smock so that they when they have to do the breast exam they don't have layers of clothing interfering with what they have to feel for. The pap smear itself requires you to sit or lay on the exam bed and put your feet into the stirrups so that the doctor can get a sample of the cultures from your womanly parts. This is how they test for a lot of STIs and cancers of your reproductive system.

If it's a womanly exam, doctors DO understand that most women and young girls are uncomfortable with being naked in front of other people and will try to keep the smock on you as long as possible during the exam while keeping the exam itself as short as possible to minimize discomfort.

PCOS...Is this common?

I was diagnosed with PCOS in January and put on Metformin Hydrochloride (1000mg 2X a day). Before I was diagnosed with it, I had not had a menstrual cycle since October 2006. I was given menopause meds in December 2006 to start my cycle for that month. Then I was given the Metformin in January and had a cycle for January thru March. I currently have not had a cycle since March 2007. Is it cause for alarm that I have not had one since then although I am on Metformin already? I did stop taking the Metformin for a little while because it was making me horribly sick. I was unable to keep food down and unable to sleep due to terrible stomach cramps. Do I need to contact my doctor to find alternatives medications? Are there any alternatives to Metformin? What can I do to make my cycle return?
I also suffered with PCOS and missed many periods i was going 8-9 months at a time without a cycle. My doctor put me on medication to get it started when i got to where i was so miserable i couldn't take it anymore. Call your doctor and just ask if there is anything you can do. Missing so many can make u miserable.
It is best you consult your doctor. Obviously you don't want to live with sickness and stomach cramps as a result of your medication, and if they don't appear to be working anymore this could indicate a problem, or that you do infact need to switch to something else. But I don't think that kind of advice can be given here; you need to see your specialist. Good luck and I hope things get back to normal for you soon. :)
hello. and yes pcos is common! i too have it. there is a online discussion board for people of have pcos. try it out!! yes, if you find that you are getting sick from metformin, defanilty tell your doctor. there are other meds your doctor can give you. there are also herbs you can try if you want to try a natural root. diet and excersie usually helps make your cycle return. i'm surprise that your doctor didn't give you birth control pills. that normally regulates you.
I too have the disorder. And I've been going through the symptoms of it (missed periods) since I was 13. An Endocrinologist found and made the diagnosis just early this year. ( I'm almost 30 now) It took that long for someone to find out what the problem was. For treatment they have put me on a birth control to regulate my cycle and my hormone levels (which was causing other symptoms i.e. migraines, hair loss) and I've also been prescribed a diuretic (water pill) to help with the symptoms with PCOS such as acne, hair loss or excessive hair. I seem to be doing much better now... it took me months of trying different drugs and seeing different doctors but finally I'm starting to feel better and my cycles are now regulated. Whatever you decide to do... keep trying different things until you find whats right for you.. and don't stop trying.. PCOS doesn't go away and could be affecting you for the rest of your life. Embrace it and do all you can do to take care of yourself and to prevent the symptoms of it destroying your sense of self.
Good luck!
PCOS affects 8-10% of the female population int eh US alone. As such, it is fair to say that it is somewhat common. If you have PCOS, you should see a doctor regularly who can monitor your medication intake and progress. My friend has PCOS and she sees her doctor every 6 months. She is also on Metformin and Birth Control pills for the past 5 years and she is doing fine.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

PCOS, Metformin, Yasmine, and Spironolact?

I was diagnosed with PCOS about four months ago (I had a "huge" *nurses own word* cyst on my left ovary) and have been on Metformin (500mg), Yasmine, and Spironolact(100mg) for three months. My menstruation has become more regular and have lost about 15 lbs. I have noticed from doing research that many women take a much stronger dose of Metformin. When I talked to my doctor about the dosage, she didn't say anything and said, "Well, let's see how things look 6 months from now."

My blood sugar was 102 after fasting for about 16 hours. She raised an eyebrow at this, but said nothing. My question is should I find another doctor? Is this a typical experience and treatment regimen for PCOS? She doesn't seem to want to help our last visit lasted ten minutes.

Thank you again for your time and effort!!
I was diagnosed with PCOS about a year ago. My doctor OBGYN immediately put me on 1500mg of metformin and sent me on my way. I wish i could say that I went back to the doctor for my 3 month check up but i did not. I just felt like he was not being straight with me and not really talking the time to explain things to me. I was told by a friend that they could do an ultrasound to check out my ovaries but was never offered this.

I have found some pretty good resources on the internet about PCOS and have actually bought a few books. I know there is is new book out there called PCOS for Dummies and am seriously considering buying that book.

I am also thinking about seeing an endocrinologists because while PCOS is a condition that affects your reproductive system it also has some other factors...i just need to find a obgyn that actually wants to give me the facts about pcos and treat me like a person before i can get that referal.

i would recommend finding another doctor who knows more about around to doctors offices and see if they can give you any insight into how much the doctors know about pcos or see if they might have any material on PCOS. if all else fails keep up the internet research. I hope all goes well for you!
doctors HATE diagnosing PCOS because it is a condition that they SCREW UP ON more often than keep trying to find a doctor until you find one you like and is very aware of your situation and condition.



PCOS possibility? I'm in SO much pain right now!!?

I had the biopsy done on the cervix last month. Prior to that I had to undergo the glucose tolerance test; which came out normal. From this test alone, my OBGYN ruled out the posibility of polycystic ovarian syndrome. Have you ever heard of someone to have PCOS and not have a weight/insulin problem? Physically, I'm that exact opposite of the "obese" factor that's included in the symptoms listing. I'm 21, 5'3", and 98 lbs. And I wear little girls size 12 pants, if that gives you any indication of how opposite I am
I have PCOS and you would never know. I have none of the symptoms other than the cysts on my ovaries. I think you should get a second opinion. :)
It is not a glucose tolerance test you should have had, unless you made a mistake. You want an insulin level test. I think you should get another opinion.

Pcos or not?

i went to the dr and she said i may have pcos but when i went to get my medical records the nurse looked at the hormone results and said my hormone level are normal and she dosen't know why the dr would think this ..maybe my symtoms she said but is it possible to have pcos with normal hormone levels?
for pcos there are three thing should be there that is scanty periods/ no periods, signs of increased androgen secretions like hirsutism,pimples etc and very important is more than 12follicles/cc on ultrasound is suggestive of pcos. Other hormones like FHS,LH etc are not of much importance.
I think you'd need to get an ultrasound on your ovaries to check for cysts to be sure if you have PCOS.

I've never heard of PCOS without at least some kinda of hormonal imbalance, but I'm not an expert.
I was diagnosed the same but mine fluctuate they need to take various tests. What I did do and it has been a God send to me is taking a natural product called royal jelly its made by bees and it is a natural hormone stabalizer I feel amazingly wonderful since taking this product I highly recommend it and its available on Good Luck
I am an RN and I will be the first to tell you that RN do not diagnose any disease as it is not in our scope of practice. If your cycles are irregular, your overweight, and your have excessive facial hair your could have PCOS.
I also have PCOS and was told by my physician that my hormone levels were that of a 50 year old women. I have had two surgeries to treat Ovarian cysts from the follicles that could not be completely released. If I were your I would have your physician run your hormone levels at the beginning, middle and end of your cycle to make a definitive diagnosis. Just remember that only your physician can diagnose your..that is why he went to school so long and gets paid the big bucks.

PCOS and pimples?

I have PCOS and my pimples are just out of control. I have tried every over the counter drug and benzamycin. These things seem to make things worse actually. I'm 24 now, married, and the pimples are just embarrassing. Any of you PCOSers found anything that works?

I can't take Birth Control anymore, but even when I did it never helped the pimples either. Anyone had success with that Igia pore sucker thing? Does it work well on white heads, because that's my main problem.
I have PCOS as well. And used to have that problem. As soon as i started taking Metformin and taking Loestrin 24 FE the mess just slowly went away.

But i have also found that Clean and Clear Acne kit things works pretty good for being over the counter.

I know Proactive worked REALLY good for me. but it was just damn spendy for that.


Hope some of that helps.
see a doctor
try clearskin from Avon, they have a good line of acne treatment
get a basic facial scrub and moisturiser i recommend clean and clear 'morning burst and morning glow. clean morning and night. use moisturiser in the morning only. drink plenty of water 2Ls + and review your diet.exercise if you can. Clear your system. you are what you eat. eating bad drinking lots of alcohol you will come out in spots. plus its your hormones. review everything- it will pass if you correct these areas. change the cause and it will change the solution. its a infection in the sebaceous glands (if your interested-lol)

Paying for a breast reduction? No health insurance, bad credit...?

Will most places make you pay the whole amount up front, or do they bill you later? I don't have health insurance, I have bad credit, so nobody will finance me...
Hello I am a women's health physician and I can help you out if you need it. Some places will ask for proof of insurance before they give you service, but I can probably help you out. If money is a problem and you want it done badly send me a message at
Have you TRIED getting financing? Ask for assistance from family if you can.

Why don't you have insurance? Find a full time job that has health benefits and when it kicks in, get approved!
38J to 38C Feb 2006
I would go with terri's answer. But why not you clear your bad credit. Have seen lots of people asking info on bad credits. Well, if you need to get your problem solved on%26lt;!--bad credit, you must know to how to confront it. Many factors can contribute to someone getting a "bad credit" rating, among these are non-payment of an account or late payments over an extended length of time. Take a look on

You can easily be labelled as a bad credit risk by financial companies. This can make it more difficult to--%26gt;arrange loans or other finance, and usually means you will pay more interest on any loan you take out. Better clear your badcredit now.

Past few months I been experiencing night sweating due to over heatiness.?

I am 38yrs old single woman. I am on Oroxine (2 tablets per day 100mcg), The Dr who treat me for thyroid, said I am having "Hashimoto Disease". My period was regular (though the dates vary each month). I missed my period for April 07. Middle of May I had my menses and it was heavy until I had to seek medical help and was put on hormone tablets. When I check with the Dr, he said no indication of perimenapouse. My problem is since April I been sweating especially at night and somedays I had to wake up to change my dress. My throat %26 lips also dries and I had to consume water before resume sleep. Somedays I cannot sleep until 2 - 3 am. Despite night sweating, I feel chilling cold while at office. 12noon when everyone complaining warm, I would be feeling cold and wearing jacket and often feel sleepy and lethargy. If anyone has similar issue, please share with me.
You need to go back to your doctor with all of these new symptoms for a new check up and a proper diagnosis.
The disease thing don't worrie about it. All it is, is a fancy way to say you have big sweat pours, hmm... coldness ask your fellow workers if they feel it or same thing happening to them . The air at your work your have gotten alot of anti-freeze work by gas station old one? I'm no sicetist but im just trying to help. Your welcome!! #$# bye.
I have Hashimoto's disease, and that is pretty similar to how I felt in the beginning stages of the disease. Basically, as I am sure your doc told you, your body has built up antibodies to your thyroid. The initial stages are when your thyroid is in overdrive- you're hyperthyroid. It's alot like having your body put in fast-forward, you sweat more, breathe more, your heart rate is higher, and you don't stay hydrated as well. Later, it slows down so you feel colder, more lethargic, and your bp and heart rate may drop. Hashimoto's makes you less able to tolerate any extreme temperature, and it doesn't even have to be that extreme. It gets better as your body becomes more regulated to your meds.

Send me a message if you have any questions, I ended up having multiple tumors in my thyroid, and needed removal.
Night sweats could be a sign that menopause is just around the corner. You are not too young to have the symptoms.
Hot flashes can occur any time of the day or night. That doesn't mean you won't feel chilled at other times.

Unpleasant symptoms can occur 10 years before the cessation of menses.

Sleep disturbances can come from so many sources - it can be really hard to pin it down.
Food or drink (Caffeine)
Excitement or Concern
Strong interest (reading -movie - waiting up for kids - working on a project)
Medication or physical conditions
Too much or too little sleep as a pattern
Days and night can get mixed-up

If your symptoms are disturbing to you - check it out with your Dr. Hormones can be a positive direction to mitigate symptoms.
Hishimoto's Thyroiditis can be caused by Celiac disease, which may be responsible for many of your other symptoms too. Celiac disease and thyroid problems were common on one side of my family. I'd often get chills and Raynaud's syndrome too, which I now know was caused by consuming dairy products.

This can also be worsened by other food allergies.

Check out this article about hyperhidrosis, grains, and sugars. Scroll about halfway down the page.

ParaGuard IUD. Scheduled to get one and was wondering if anyone had any serious complications/side effects.?

I did some research and found a lot of ppl had serious side effects w/ the Mirena IUD and didn't really find much on the ParaGuard IUD. If anyone has any experience w/ either of these please help! Although, I'm leaning toward the Paraguard b/c it has no hormones. Thanks in advance!
I have Mirena and love it. I had spotting off and on for the first six months but now it has settled down and I have a very light period once a month. I used to have very heavy painful periods so I am very happy. I wish I would have gotten it sooner.
I have had Paraguard for about 3 months. My periods are a bit heavier and last for about a week. Other than that I have no problems with it.

Pap smear etiquette?

of all my pap smear appointments, this is the first time i forgot to check my calendar before scheduling the check-up. my appointment is tomorrow afternoon and i just got my period - is it rude to keep my appointment or should i call and reschedule?
I just had this problem today.

My period started yesterday and my appointment was today.

The answer to your question, if your cycle is light, they will go ahead and continue, but if it is heavy, then you need to reschedule.
call and reschedule
Reschedule, they don't want to test you with your period.
reschedule - they won't be able to get what they need if your flow is too heavy.
I have always rescheduled. I don't think they appreciate you coming in with that going on. When I've called and told them what was going on they would always reschedule me.
yep call and reschedule
Call and reschedule! They won't care, just tell them why. I do that a lot. Besides, you'll be wasting your money and their time if you go.the results are more likely to be abnormal.
Reschedule... I dont thik the doctor wants any blood..
reschedule it
you are supposed to call and reschedulr i think it it can mess with the results
Reschedule. Having a pap test during your period can alter the results.
put yourself in the doctors shoes, or hands for that matter... reschedule
yea id reschedual.
You have to reschedule, they can't get a proper smear.
It's best to go about a week before your period begins, so my Dr says.

Q. Can having a Pap test during menstruation effect the results? I've heard not to get one during this time. Can it cause abnormal results? Why is this?

A. You're right about what you've heard: women don't usually have Pap tests done during their periods. Menstruation itself does not cause abnormal Pap smear results but, menstrual blood makes abnormal cervical cells difficult to see. (You see a lot of blood cells instead).

It's recommended that women schedule a Pap test between ten and twenty days following the start of their periods. It's also important not to douche, apply vaginal medication, and/or insert spermicide (as foam, cream, jelly, film, suppository, or tablet) for about two days before the exam because they may remove or obscure abnormal cells, preventing the most accurate test reading.
More info on the link I provided.

Best wishes! =)
reschedule - I don't think doctor's necessarily mind when you have your period (they've seen it all), but you can't get as accurate of test results when you are bleeding. if you can't reschedule, I'm sure they'll just do their best - no worries.
I'd say give them a call. I had the same thing happen to me. I called; they said come on in if my flow wasn't too heavy yet.
most doctors won't do a pap smear when you are on your period...not accurate enough.
You don't have to reschedule. Having your period will not affect your results.

However, I've always rescheduled for modesty reasons.

More importantly, if you've been using tampons, and they rub in there, they can cause perfectly normal, unharmful tissue regeneration (aka healing), the rapid growth of cells on a pap smear looks like it could be cancer. Then you get called back, and you have to do it again, and you have to be worried for no reason, etc etc.

Your call, really. But next to what your doctor sees every day, a period is no big deal.
Call and reschedule - the blood etc can obscure the results or the test, so they would have to do it again later.
Rude is not the problem. Accuracy of cultures and your PAP smear will be messed up by the menstrual discharge.
[ OR/GYNs are not phased by blood - they deliver babies, remember? ] Re- schedule.

Panty sniffing by brother in law (jijaji)?

i have to reside in my sisters house for sometime. my brother in law (jijaji) is a well behaved and cultured man who is also a poet. his behaviour towards me is also decent and nice. but i have noticed that he used to sniff my panties and underarm portion of my garments. one day i saw him sniffing my panty from the window. what could be the reason? should i report this matter to my sister as she is quite ignorant about it.
there are pheremones secreted by females that are chemical scent attractants to males. It may not smell good to you but to us its like smelling pancakes on a sunday morning! I have to admit, I've been married for 8 years, but I still go in the hamper once in a while, find some panties, check for stains, and take a nice long wiff every once in a while. Usually when she's not home and I'm thinking about her.
yes you need to tell your sister exactlyw hat hes doing..this is sick an wrong..who knows what he'll try next...and id seriously thinka bout leaving asap...good luck..some people have these fetishes but for your bro., in law to do this to you??i wouldnt trust him at all
yes but gather some evidence first before you tell her. like take a photo of your brother-in-law sniffing your undies or something. he might deny it when your sister confronts him or even worse, your sister might refuse to believe you(yes, there have been instances that a sister or relative would rather side with the accused).
It is not real clear how your brother in law is getting into your laundry and standing in front of a window sniffing it. If it truely is that bold, I would think that your sister already knows about it.
no you shouldnt, all men get these crazy stuff in them. the best thing to do is to leave the house because that might cause trouble.
yeah he sounds like a real lulu.

Painful lump in armpit?

I shaved my armpits on Saturday and during my netball match that day it felt like really bad chaffing. The area was red and very painful. The next day whilst in the shower I felt a pea sized lump where the red inflammed area was. So for the last two days I have applied paw paw cream and the lump is getting smaller. Should I be concerned and go to the doctor straight away or just wait a few more days to see if the lump disappears completely?
Before going to the doctor go in a really well lite room with a mirror. Look under your armpit for an ingrown. You may not be able to see it but since you said you shaved and if you shave often, this could be the cause of your lump. Ingrowns can be extremely painful.

If the lump does have a hair in it, get a clean pin or needle, dip it in some rubbing alcohol or peroxide and try to dig it out. This will not be the most pleasant but in the morning the pain will be gone as well as the swelling which is causing a lump.

After digging the hair out, if there is one in there, be sure to wash the area with some good old soap and water and don't apply deodorant to the area until the next morning.

Good Luck!
Better be safe than sorry. Go asap and have it checked out. You will be glad you did.
this could be a cist, i get them sometimes they feel like a bruise to touch and are under the skin and feel hard. they go away after a few days, but as this is near the breasts its always good to get it checked out by your gp.

It's probably nothing to worry about. I have heard of something in deodorant that can get into your pores that causes this reaction. If it were me, I would wait a day or so, if it doesn't go away, call a Dr.
It sounds to me like an ingrown hair. They suck! When the hair comes in you can pluck it, NOT shave it, and then the puss will come out and will heal after that. Or else try rubbing some alcohol [the kind of cuts] on it. It will do wonders, although it may sting a bit. You don't have to go to the doctor for that. Just do that and it should clear up within a week, more than likely 3 days.
I think it might be an ingrown hair, which if u don't kno is a hair that did not grow straight out and instead grew under the skin, making it inflammed and wat not. It will go away naturally, i would suggest u not worry bout it cus i get them all tha time, but if u can't help it, u could always go to the doctor.

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