Saturday, October 31, 2009

Period and the beach?

ok well i am currently on mi period and going to the beach tommorow. i love swimming in the ocean. i have never swum b4 in the ocean b4 with a tampon in, for it is only mi 4th period, but i am comfertable with using tampons. but i heard that sharks can smell the blood. is this true? i swim out really deep too, like up to 7 feet. also i only have REALLY bright suits, like hot pink and bright yellow, and i have heard that sharks are also attracted to those. Will this be a problem? the main prob is the fact of sharks smelling the blood from mi period- thank u sooooooo much!!!!

xoxo Michele
Don't worry about it. You'll be fine.
honey go swimming, you are probably safe.
Hey sweetie... i wouldn't worry about it. And if you are really worried... just don't go out very far.
wear a tampon and no blood will come out.
Are you swimming at a beach that has known sharks in the area? If not, I wouldn't worry about it. If you are truly worried, then just swim out too far where a shark would be. And yes, sharks can smell blood.
its might be possible, but don't let it stop you from swimming! shark attacks are VERY rare and you should just have fun and not be worried!
first of all, do u live on the east coast?... in jersey maybe?

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