Saturday, October 31, 2009

Period HELP!?

Ok..I have had my period for 1 year. But I have NEVER had cramps or ANYTHING to tell me when I should start it just happens. So today I have to go swimming in an hour. I am scared I am going to start in the pool! So what are some signs I should look for! THANKS!! But not cramps I never get those.
Don't worry about it starting in the pool. You don't gush so it's not going to turn into a scene from Jaws.

As for cramps, don't worry. Consider yourself LUCKY you don't get them. I've had my period for 12 years (I'm 26) and I don't always have cramps or other signs of an impending period.

Your best bet is to keep track of your period, how long in days it is (i.e. 2, 3, or 4+ days), how many days between periods, etc. With an accurate chart, you can pinpoint almost to the exact day when you're going to start.

Example: My period lasts around 3 days. On average, I get it around every 32-34 days. I make sure to keep track of my moods, my level of fatigue, my cravings for munchies, etc. It helps and I'm rarely off (sometimes stress throws me off by 1-3 days).

You'll be fine. Just check regularly and make sure you have enough pads and/or tampons.
are you sure you dont feel any pain? i think you might want to also go to the doctor. but do your breast feel sore an do you feel bloated. that might help.
sometimes you get like a dragging feeling in your thighs,or feel a bit moody.but other than that its hard to say.if you are concerned take some pads or tampons with you,if you start you start.nothing you can do about sweetie.however sometimes the water will hold the bleeding in.never noticed when you're in the bath that blood doesn't come out?
I once got my period during nationals (swim meets). Water does keep it in.
Just use a tampon before you go. if you dont start, oh well. if you do, lucky you!
Women usually get their period at the beginning of a month so keep a calendar to keep track of your period . Good luck!

check mark your calender
every 28 days
this might help
Before your period comes.
Do you flow out some whitish stuff before your period? If you do, it means your period is gonna come, soon.
Do you feel you nipples hurt while you press it? If it does, it means that you period is near also.
These are the signs.

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