Saturday, October 31, 2009

Period - light to heavy?

I only started my period a few months ago, and I've always had it really light. Last time, though, I ended up fainting and throwing up and it was just generally really heavy/longer than before and annoying. I was told that means my periods are always going to be like that from then on, but I was under the impression that it would vary before it became regular. Is that true? I'll really be screwed if it will be like that all the time. Thanks.

Oh, yeah, why do toilets have to be flushed two times just to get stuff to go down when you're on your period? It's kind of embarrassing. I'm probably the only one...ha...ha.
your body is still adjusting to having a period, but i will still call my doctor. some people have to take birth control pills because their period are so bad and the pills kinda easies them up (meaning shorter, less cramps, and less bleeding) So i would ask my doctor just to be safe. you shouldn't be throwing up or fainting.

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