Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Period help?

hi guys
im posting this for my gf who i am very close with and we shear evreything with each other.
well at the moment she is having her period and was telling me that her lower back and boobs are very sore, i gave her about about an hour of massarging but that didnt seem to do anything.
she said that her boobs and back only get sore when she is having her period. she thinks its strange and is worryed about it so plz help.

thank you and any info will be passed on:)
It's perfectly normal and due to the hormones her body are peeking at.

The best thing you can do for her, as you sound like such a comforting guy, is give her some Buscopan, available at the chemist which stops stomach cramps. Or some Ibuprofen tablets such as Neurofen. This will reduce any inflammation and pain her body is in.
DO NOT GIVE HER ANYTHING CONTAINING ASPRIN. This will cause excessive bleeding as it thin the blood immediantly.
A warm heat pack or cloth over her breast and back can also help a lot.
So can hopping in a hot bed with an electric blanket on.
She can hop in the shower and focus it onto the sore places.
Taking 1,000mg of Evening Primrose Oil tablet once a day is a hidden and not much talked about mormone leveler. It takes about 2 months to fully work, but is a wonder drug. And will help prevent further pain and discomfort in future.
Those are very common ailments. Nothing to be worried about. It comes from cramping and hormones running crazy through her body at this time of the month.
Perfectly normal, hormonal, aches and pains. Keep up with the Massage..great helper. Warm shower may help, taking a couple Motrin or Midol should help with the aches.
try midol or hot tea drink? maybe a bottle filled with hot water, wrapped in a t shirt and and held next to her.
i get it too, i think its normal. something to do with hormones or muscle cramping. all i can suggest is something warm on it, i.e. hot water bottle, warmth helps relax the muscles. Also maybe some kind of mild pain killer, something with Codeine in it, cos thats a muscle relaxer aswel. As for herbal stuff... try magnesium tablets, magnesium is supposed to stop cramping.
It's not strange, the small of her back and her breasts are typically supposed to be sore when she's menstruating. Try midol or pampren, should take all that away.
this is normal for a female to have sore breasts ans pain in the lower back at this time. there is nothing to be worried about. tell her to take a warm bath and take some pain reliever for the cramps. maybe drink some tea and rest.
Regular Tylenol (Acetominophin) pain reliever works for me. Also, anything with calcium helps reduce period problems because it helps to balance hormones (my sister uses Tums). I like to eat a lot of sweets during my period so I eat ice cream, it has calcium and satisfies my sweet cravings.
It's normal to have some lower back pain and tenderness of the breasts when one is having their period. Where the concern is with the cramps if they get so severe that it makes it hard to function on a daily basis. If this happens then this needs to be evaluated by a dr to figure out what could be causing this.

She can also try apply heat by using a heating pad or a hot water bottle to help some of that lower back pain.

The cramps are caused because of the uterus trying to push out the build up of lining that has occurred during the month and is now no longer needed since a pregnancy did not occur this month.

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