Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Period problem.?

Ok I just got my period on thursday, I wanna know how to hide a used pad in school? there are no individual trash cans for each toilet stall, there's only a big one where everyone can see, and the bathroom always has girls in it, i'll never be alone. so how can I hide it, I know how to hide a clean one... but a used one.? (and by the way, my backpack is huge, cant take it in with me, besides it would be very obvious) PLZ help.. thanx in advance :P
hmmm oh god thats tricky.. well i would wrap it in ALOT of tissue.. sort of hide it in your hand, have more tissue in your other hand (clean!) blow your nose with the clean tissue as you exit the stall, and subtely throw both tissues away.. or hide it in like a food wrapper thats in your pocket.. also go in a different times throughout the day, so the same people wont always be in there t think 'why does she always blow her nose when she get s out?' oh and one more thing, i always try and get one of my friends (who knows im on my period) to come with me, that way its just overall less embarrasing!! oh and see if you can make a suggestion to the the principal or something for individual trash cans in each toilet.. good luck x
i used to worry about that, but honestly no one cares, everyone gets it sooner or later. try bringing in a brown paper bag in ur book bag or jjust folded up and then when ur done put it in there and put it back in ur backpack. u can then throw it out wherever u want but dont let it sit in there! or u can ask the principal to add bags, thats crazy that there arent any! maybe even try bringing a paper bag and clinging it on to something in there, im sure other girls are dealing with the same thing.
how old are u? Because if your in high school, then most girls probably have their period and wouldn't care that ur throwing it away. But maybe you can go to the bathroom during class so your the only one in the bathroom. Or you could write a letter to your principal or someone at your school to get little trash cans in each stall.
hope i helped
Somebody at that school needs to wake up and get individual trash receptacles for feminine supplies. That is ridiculous! The only thing you can really do is roll it up in toilet paper and put it in the trash. Who cares? You don't need to hide it, girls won't care and if they do they're probably jealous that they don't have their period yet. I guess if you had to you could keep something in your pocket to put it in, and then take it out of your pocket- but it would look worse that you're trying to hide something. Hopefully you'll feel comfortable using a tampon before long and then you can just flush it down the toilet.

This is really bad advice, but when I was in school girls used to flush them down the toilet and then the administration got a clue to put trash receptacles in each stall. I mean who really enjoys caring it all the way out of the stall before washing their hands? Good luck!
wrap it up in toliet paper
don't be embarassed all gurls go thru it.

and maybe suggest to ur principal if you can get individual trash cans, lol

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